- SeedBot is provided as-is, without warranty or guarantee of
any kind. If you download or use SeedBot, you have implicitly agreed to
the rules and limitations set forth here.
- The user will not hold Ima Genius or ImaTowns liable for any damages,
either consequential or incidental, resulting from the use of SeedBot.
- SeedBot will be used in public areas within acceptable guidelines.
- SeedBot will only be used in accordance to all rules and only in
public AWCom worlds, or in private worlds if authorized by the owner.
- We may, at our option, choose to disallow access to one or more users.
- You will not attempt to reverse engineer or decompile SeedBot.
What does SeedBot do?
SeedBot places a seed object to help you start building. For example if you want to build where there are no objects nearby, you can use SeedBot to place one there.
Please send questions, comments, and bug reports to:
Copyright 1998-2003 ImaBot