AWGames 15n 75e
In WarShip, two players try to find each others three ships located somewhere on the WarShip board.
The objective is to destroy the opponents ships before the opponent destroys your ships.
To begin a game, click "Click to play as Player 1" or "Click to play as Player 2", and wait for a opponent.
Once you get an opponent, WarShipBot will announce that a game has started, for example, "We are now beginning a WarShip game between image and Ima Genius."
WarShipBot will then say "Please place ship 1 now(2 squares.)" On the WarShip board place the ship in two consecutive squares.
WarShipBot will then say "Please place ship 2 now(3 squares.)" On the WarShip board place the ship in three consecutive squares. WarShipBot will finally say "Please place ship 3 now(4 squares.)" On the WarShip board place the ship in four consecutive squares.
Once this is done, wait for your opponent to place his or her ships on the board.
After you and your opponent have placed the ships, WarShipBot will announce that the two players of the game have placed their ships, for example, "image and Ima Genius have placed their ships."
WarShipBot will then whisper you when it is your turn. Click a box on the board. If you see a white object come up, it's a miss; if you see a red object, it's a hit.
Whoever is the first to destroy all three ships is the winner.
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